Another Trip To Great American Ball Park

Michelle, Matt, Barry, and I had so much fun last week at the Reds Sunday afternoon game that we decided to go back to Great American Ball Park for a Tuesday evening game this week. As usual, the Reds scored a lot of runs, but on this night not as many as their pitching staff gave up.

Fireworks are shot out of the center field smokestacks when a Reds player hits a home run. We enjoyed a couple of fireworks displays that evening.
We spent the last few innings exploring the stadium. We sat in the cheap seats, the prime seats, stood along the rail, and enjoyed every view. A bar/restaurant with an outside deck is located down the left field line. It was a lot of fun looking at all the pictures and memorabilia displayed inside the restaurant and then checking out the view of the game from the tables located on the deck. We had a great view of slugger Adam Dunn playing left field.

Barry took the photo shown above from across the river when we returned to our Redsmobile.

No doubt about it, Great American Ball Park is a great place to watch a game, especially a night game. It's a wonderful place to relax, take in a good baseball game, and enjoy the good company of family and friends. I think Barry hopes to take a certain special lady on a date to a future night game. He met her in an elevator and was truly impressed with her bubbly personality.
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