Transferring My LPs To iPod & Compact Disc Is Time Consuming, But Great Fun
I have a very large collection of lp records and have been slowly transferring many of them to compact disc and loading them in my iPod. In addition to the several thousand lps that I have purchased over the years, my collection keeps growing as several of my friends have recently given me their old lps when making room in their homes for other things (Thanks Bruce & Ora). It's just the opposite at my home, as I am getting rid of other things to make room for more lps!
The transfer to digital media is very time consuming. I first listen to the entire album and then decide if I want to burn a disc or load it into my iPod. If so, then I'll listen again as I am doing the transfer. The simple transfer of one lp to disc and then to iPod, including the audition play and labeling, will end up taking me almost two hours. Though the process takes a lot of time, it sure is a lot of fun and therefore time well spent. My goal is to transfer an album each day, though I generally end up completing only about four per week.

Today I'm burning "Don't Look Away Now!", a swinging recording on the Prestige label by jazz great James Moody. Vocalese master Eddie Jefferson sings on one cut too. I'll bet that I haven't listened to this lp in ten or fifteen years. It is excellent and I love it! If not for this transfer endeavor, no telling when I would have heard it again. I'll probably dig it for a third time today on the way to my gig, this time by conveniently popping the newly burned cd into the van cd player.
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